Isaiah's Call
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Making a Difference for Jesus

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Today's Devotion

Standing with Others
Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
As we enter this Christmas season we find so many who are struggling on a variety of levels.  The economy has cost many people their jobs and they wake up each day wondering if they will be losing their homes or how they are going to put food on the table.
Some of us must face the issue of having recently lost loved ones to death and disease while others are dealing with family issues and broken relationships.  As painful as all of these situations are, the pain is magnified by the fact that we enter the Christmas season with an expectation of celebration filled with joy and peace and we are overwhelmed by how far short we fall of those expectations.
It is in moments like these that the words of Henry Blackaby are the most important, "During difficult times it is critical that we are walking in fellowship with other Christians. When a crisis hits, it is overwhelming to face it alone. But if we have cultivated supportive friendships, we will find strength in the comfort and encouragement of those who care about us." 
The Word of God tells us very clearly that "Two are better than one" so if you are struggling this Christmas season I want to remind you that if you are not a part of a caring community of believers, you are missing out on what God designed you for. 
Isaiah's Call is being designed to be that type of caring community.  I am in the process of using a combination of a Facebook site, my web site and teleconferencing to provide people the opportunity to help me build a caring and encouraging community on the world wide web to offer hope to those who are feeling overwhelmed and isolated.  Please join me in helping this vision to become a reality.  Pledge to become a prayer partner and mentor to someone in need.  Lend your voice and thoughts to our interactive message boards.  I believe that God has a place for this type of ministry especially for such a time as this!  Thanks and God bless you.